Offering podcast launch and management services for busy mom business owners ready to start, streamline, and scale their show
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Over the past few years of helping moms start and launch their podcasts, I’ve noticed a few things. Mostly, I’ve been able to recognize the best time to start a podcast – or, at least, common signs it’s time to say ‘yes’ and go for it!
When is the right time to start a podcast? Honestly, it depends on a few things, there’s no one sign that it’s the right time. But, before I get into those few things, I want to mention that it’s a bit easier to start a podcast than you might think. And that you’re probably over-complicating it – which is why you’re reading this right now.
It’s okay to be a little afraid of podcasting too which is completely normal. But, if you’re looking for signs it’s the right time to start a podcast for your business to help you push through the fear and intimidation, let’s do it!
As always, you can listen to the related episode on Moms Who Podcast here:
I don’t want to jump right into it just yet, I want to add a little disclaimer – we’re going to touch a bit on how you feel about podcasting. While wanting to start a podcast is a great sign (and we’re going to touch on that), not wanting to start a podcast is a pretty clear sign that it’s not right for you.
Often you can feel pressured into starting a podcast because of the visibility it can bring your business or because you’ve been told it’s the “right thing to do” right now. I will be the first to admit that it’s nearly impossible to keep consistent and keep showing up on a platform you don’t love, particularly one that’s so personal.
Now that we’ve covered that, I want to share the five signs that tell you when is the right time to start a podcast for your business:
I touched on this a moment ago, but I want to reiterate that when you feel and have the pull to start a podcast it’s a good first sign that it’s time to start one. And this isn’t just a passing thought, this is more like you keep feeling the pull and it’s just on your heart. You keep thinking about it and just can’t shake the feeling that a podcast would be a great idea.
Not by a podcasting guru or a business coach, but by your audience or your community. This might look like someone asking if you have a podcast they could listen to or straight out recommending that you start a podcast.
You know your audience and you know who you’re talking to, who your message is for. For example, I’m a podcast manager who helps moms launch and grow their podcasts – so that’s what I talk about and who I talk to in my episodes. Knowing this doesn’t just help me with content ideation, but it helps me show up and speak on my podcast and will help you on yours.
While you can absolutely start a podcast as a hobby, we’re specifically talking about when is the right time to start a podcast for your business – which means you should have somewhere for your listeners to connect with you. This could be your website, your email list, or even a Facebook community. You’ll add these to your podcast show notes!
I know just how hard it can be to find time to record podcast episodes – I’m a mom of five and I work a full-time corporate job. But most people listen to podcasts religiously, meaning they’re tuning in for the next episode the same day the next week. A good rule of thumb is to aim for one episode a week and you can absolutely batch and schedule out your episodes, just remember to aim for one going live each week!
If you feel that you’re experiencing all five signs and it’s time to start a podcast for your business – YAY! I highly recommend checking out our low-cost membership launching in March to get all the guidance and support you need to add a podcast to your business. Just go here to join the waitlist!
Still not sure if podcasting is for you? Hop on a no-pressure free call with me and let’s talk about it – I’d love to hear about why you’re feeling unsure and what you can do to find a little clarity!
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Pamela Krista is a podcast coach, manager, and host of The Moms Who Podcast show. She helps mom business owners start, streamline, and scale their podcasts.
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